
A major town located 1 station from Namba in the south downtown area. Flooded with tourists and people, it is worth the walk! Take your time and relax while enjoying delicious "crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside" Okonomiyaki !

From fried shrimp and special pizza to the heavenly one man hot pot. Each menu item is super reasonable and starts from 250 yen. Also recommended is the owner’s preference, a low-bubble draft beer or strong highball!

Although it is an Okonomiyaki restaurant, if you can make a reservation in advance, we can also prepare a perfect seasonal Pike Sea Eel. We also welcome reservations for special events such as banquets. Please do not hesitate to ask us.

Our menu includes English and Chinese with simple explanations of our food that is easy to understand.


We blend several kinds of local sauces in Osaka, cook with wine and soup stock and finish with an original sauce. An extraordinary taste full of flavor that will leave you speachless. For the dough we use Japanese Yams and grated vegetables for a soft, fluffy texture.
With our popular pig balls, we use "Nichinan Mochi Pork" ※. You can also enjoy the deliciousness and texture of our rare chicken balls. For our beef balls, we use high quality domestic Wagyu beef.
Please eat and compare the taste of each.

Sticky thick noodles with Worcestershire sauce and finished off with tonkatsu sauce. Made in the "Maruya way" the noodles are rarely touched and made to perfection.We use an original sauce that is different than the traditional okonomiyaki sauce.The most popular topping rich in flavor is the fat. Salty, curry flavored fried noodles and baked noodles are also popular.

SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) Pig refers to a pig which has been sterilized in a sterile place, kept healthy by being fed sterilized feed and water and without being touched in order to prevent disease.
SPF pigs raised freely on Nichinan farm in Miyazaki prefecture which is rich in nature. Nichinan Pork received SPF association certification.
The characteristics of this brand of pork requires very sophisticated hygiene control, is a smell-free and boasts a soft meat quality. Pork which pursues safety and security as well as taste.

Okonomiyaki Fried Noldes GRilled Udon

Pork 豚肉¥850
Chiken 鶏肉¥900
Beef 牛肉¥1,050
Tendon Stew すじこん¥1,050
Mix(pork,squid,shrimp) ミックス(豚・いか・海老)¥1,200
Squid いか¥900
Shrimp 海老¥950
Scallop 貝柱¥1,150
Oyster (seasonal only) 牡蠣(季)¥1,100
Sea Mix (scallop,squid, shrimp) 海ミックス(貝柱・いか・海老)¥1,300

※You can choose from the soy sauce taste · salty taste · curry taste (Okonomiyaki is excluded)

Green onion okonomiyaki

Sauce flavor・soy sauce ソース味・醤油味   ¥850~

We use domestic green onions
The ingredients are the same as the okonomiyaki menu.


Noodles モダン¥150
Cheese チーズ¥250
Fried egg 目玉焼き¥100
Covered with green onions (recommended) オススメ ネギまみれ¥150
Mochi もち¥150
Oil residue 油かす¥400
Fried noodles wrapped in a thin omelet オムソバ¥200
Bean sprouts もやし¥50

Teppan-yaki a la carte

Potato salt ポテ塩¥350
Squid いか¥800
Shrimp 海老¥1,000
Scallop 貝柱¥1,050
Grilled flat pork 豚平焼き¥850
Leek kimchi pork 豚ニラキムチ¥800
Grilled squid legs げそ焼き¥450
Chicken 鶏肉¥700
Oyster (seasonal only) 牡蠣(季)¥1,000
Beef ball roll 牛玉巻き¥850
Fried vegetables 野菜炒め¥750


Tavern menu

Rcommended menu

Special Pizza 特製ピザ¥800
Japanese rolled egg omelet だし巻き卵¥250
Grilled beef tendon 牛すじのどて焼き¥350
Shredded squid するめ天¥550
Shredded pork 豚天¥550


Edamame 枝豆¥250
Salted fish guts 塩辛¥250
Cold tofu 冷やっこ¥250
Grilled squid いか焼き¥250
Daily prepared foods 日替惣菜¥250
Authentic roasted dumplings 本格焼きぎょうざ¥350
Kimchi キムチ¥350
Grilled yam 山芋焼き¥450
Grilled chicken and bean sprouts (curry flavor) 鶏のせせりともやし炒め(カレー味)¥450
Grilled chicken with black pepper 鶏の黒コショウ焼き¥550

One dish

Stir-fried cabbage 脂かすキャベツ炒め¥800
Pork loin cutlets もち豚ロースカツ¥800
Cheese cutlets チーズトンカツ¥800
Fried Shrimp エビフライ¥800
Mackerel Sushi (half of fish) 鯖キズシ(半身)¥800
Grilled pork with leek and bean sprouts 豚ニラもやし¥550
Lightly deep-fried tofu 揚げだし豆腐¥550
Fried chicken 鶏からあげ¥550
Large shrimp egg 大海老エッグ¥550
Wieners 粗びきウィンナー¥450
Cream Croquette クリームコロッケ¥450
Grilled chicken gizzards 砂ズリ焼¥450
Baked Chicken Breast 鶏ハラミ焼¥450
Thick Sliced ​Bacon Egg 厚切ベーコンエッグ¥450
2 oden tendon skewers おでんすじ2串¥550
Kamaboko with wasabi 板わさ¥350
Japanese sweet potato slices 山芋短冊¥350
Dried fish seasoned with soy sauce and sweet sake みりん干し¥350

Drink menu


Draft beer (medium)
Bottled beer 瓶ビール¥550

Shochu high

Lemon レモン¥450
Lime ライム¥450
Plane プレーン¥450
Calpis カルピス¥450


Autogenous aging (wheat)
Autogenous aging (Potato)
good aging

Japanese Sake

Kikumasamune 菊正宗¥350
Cold sake 冷酒¥700


Imported wine full bottle Red and white


Suntory Reserve & Water
High ball (Kaku)

Soft drink

Oolong Tea ウーロン茶¥100
Coca cola コカ・コーラ¥200
Juice ジュース¥200
Calpis カルピス¥200